Consultation: Good Institutional Practice Guide

Closed 10 Jul 2024

Opened 16 May 2024


The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is pleased to release the draft Good Institutional Practice Guide (the Guide) for consultation.

The draft Guide seeks to provide guidance to NHMRC-funded institutions and NHMRC-funded researchers about good institutional practice to promote open, honest, supportive and respectful institutional cultures conducive to the conduct of high-quality research. Its development has been overseen by NHMRC’s Research Quality Steering Committee.

NHMRC is keen to ensure that the research community has the best opportunity to participate in developing guidance about good institutional practice to support high-quality research. Please bring this consultation to the attention of colleagues who may be interested in providing comment.

A copy of the draft Guide is available in the 'Related documents' section below.

A Word version of the questions as they appear in the survey is also available in the 'Related documents' section below. This document can be used if you would like to prepare your responses offline or collate information from multiple areas within your institution, ahead of lodging your submission via this online portal. Submissions will only be accepted via this portal.

Why your views matter

Your feedback will assist NHMRC to develop practical guidance for anyone involved with the conduct of research to implement positive cultural changes that support the conduct of high-quality research.

The closing date for this consultation is Wednesday 10 July 2024. If you need assistance with completion of the survey, please email us at: 

We look forward to receiving your comments.


  • Academics
  • Commonwealth agencies
  • State government agencies
  • Health professionals
  • Health workforce
  • Non-government organisations
  • Research Administration Officers (RAOs)


  • Policy Development
  • Medical or Scientific Research
  • Animal ethics
  • Human ethics