NHMRC Synergy Grants 2024 Peer Reviewer Survey

Closed 23 Aug 2024

Opened 9 Aug 2024


Thank you providing valuable feedback on your experience of NHMRC peer review. The results from this survey may inform improvements to the Synergy Grant scheme. Your responses may be released publicly in an aggregated way; if so, they will be de-identified.

This survey contains general questions as well as questions that specifically relate to your experience of the Synergy Grants 2024 peer review process and policy, and questions that refer more broadly to NHMRC peer review process and policy.

This survey contains general questions as well as questions that specifically relate to your experience of the Synergy Grants 2024 peer review process and policy, and questions that refer more broadly to NHMRC peer review process and policy.

Please consider the scheme’s objective and intended outcomes in your responses.

The objective of the Synergy Grant scheme is to:

  • support outstanding multidisciplinary teams of investigators to work together to answer questions that cannot be answered by a single investigator.

The intended outcomes of the Synergy Grant scheme are to support:

  • multidisciplinary research that addresses major problems in all areas of human health and medical research, from discovery to translation
  • highly collaborative teams of diverse researchers including by gender, career stage and cultural background, working together to address major problems in human health.

Why your views matter

This is your chance to provide valuable feedback on your experience as an NHMRC Synergy Grants peer reviewer. The results from this survey will likely inform improvements to the Synergy Grant scheme and guidance material for future rounds. 


  • Academics


  • Medical or Scientific Research