2025 Investigator Grants Peer Review Survey
Thank you for providing valuable feedback on your experience of NHMRC's Investigator Grants peer review process. The results from this survey may inform changes and improvements to the Investigator Grants scheme. Your responses may be released publicly in an aggregated way; if so, they will be de-identified.
Citizen Space is an accessible online platform, with the ability for individuals to enter and save data and come back to the response at any time to finalising the submission prior to the final submission date.
Due date
The peer review grant survey submission due date is 14 February 2025.
Contact for further information
For further information, direct any enquiries to investigator.grants@nhmrc.gov.au.
- Academics
- Health professionals
- Health workforce
- Non-government organisations
- Research Administration Officers (RAOs)
- Medical or Scientific Research
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